Wednesday 28 February 2018

Tuesday, February 27

Agenda Message: Wear pink for 'Pink Shirt Day' tomorrow (Bully Awareness)

Pink Shirt Day

Spelling Test today - Ask me how I did.

Math: We are working on addition facts. Here is the game we've begun playing. We are going to try to play a game against our parents during Student Led Conferences at the end of March.
Ask me how I did today. If you have two dice at home, please try this game out. 

Social Studies: Today we had a Social Studies test. The test asked what are the differences between our old and new communities. For example, what were the differences between old cars and new cars. Ask your child how they did.

Science: We are continuing on Science with building things.
Here are some of our discoveries on how to build a stable structure - "you need a strong and solid base'.

Gym: We had Dance Class yesterday for Gym - Wow what a workout!

After working hard on our Spelling, we had 10 minutes to build. Look what we made!

Art: ... and wrap up to the Olympics. These are our medals (hopefully finished mid week!)

Thursday 22 February 2018

Thursday, February 22

Agenda Message: Return Spelling Test Book by Monday.
*Please complete any homework given in the spelling book and adults are to sign their name so I know you've seen it. Thank you

Classroom Message: Look at our answers below. Can your child read all of the words?
Can you add a letter at the first of each spelling word to make a new word.



Narrative Stories: We've begun dissecting Narrative stories so we can start to write our own stories. Ask your child what they've Brainstormed so far about the story they are going to write. Who are the characters? What is the setting? What problem happens? Solutions? What happened by the end? We hope to finish our stories for you by Student Led Conferences. We also hope to read our stories to other students in our school and Mr. Lowe/Mrs. Brown. 
Below is a synopsis of an evaluation to see if children were understanding the concept of being able to identify a missing part of a narrative story. Ask your child what they choose. 

See the story that they heard below to identify that there was very little about the CHARACTERS. 
Once upon a time there was a pig.  The pig lived on a  beautiful farm. The farm had alot of big red barns and wonderful green fields where the pig could graze. 
One day she wondered off while she was grazing in the open field and she tripped on an old log and twisted her ankle. There was no one around. So she squealed and squealed as loud as she could but no animal or person heard her. 
She tried to get back up and walk on her twisted ankle but it hurt just too much and it made her squeal in pain. 
She was getting tired so she rested. The sun was going down and she was a little worried as she knew there were coyotes around and she heard they would eat pigs if they had the chance. 
Well her fear was right in front of her. A coyote was looking at her but he was also hurt. He had caught her ear on a barb wire fence. The coyote  had a feeling that if he helped the pig, maybe the coyote could get help for his ear. He ran back to the farm and howled so loud that farmer ran out of his house and chased him away as he ran towards the pig.  The farmer noticed the pig and rescued her and brought her back to the house. The farmer thought about how the coyote had helped to rescue the pig. So the farmer went back outside with a piece of meat for the coyote. The coyote came over to gobble up the meat and that helped him to get stronger and his ear healed. Although they never saw each other again they knew it payed off to help each other (no matter what!) 

Gym: This week we are finishing off our Olympics. We've spent most of the week outside and today we trained like an athlete in the gym. Check out our pictures.

Create, Create, Create......

Science: Building Things - What makes a structure stable?