Wednesday 27 September 2017

WOW -What a great field trip today

I know your child brought home a special gift for you - dirty feet! BUT it was worth it. All the students worked hard in picking rocks out of the soil for next years crops. We found a few potatoes along the way but most of the harvesting of the potatoes was already completed. Please remind your child that what they did today (pick rocks) WILL help those families in need next year when new crops are planted.

We saw a lot of interesting sites. Here are a few:

A few points to recall from our trip: 
- Grow Calgary has a lot of volunteers who help plant and harvest the crops and take care of this farm
- They reuse or repurpose a lot of items 
- They use water from a local stream or spring
- They know that just because items may not be 'brand new' doesn't mean it can't serve a great purpose like the green house that only cost $5.00 for nails but all other items are reused
- That pieces of food that we may throw away like an old potatoe can be replanted and a new plant and many more potatoes can be grown
- That one apple seed can be used to produce more apples (an infinite amount!)
- That we need to take care of our natural resources to make our planet healthy and happy

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