Wednesday 1 November 2017


Hi Moms and Dads
Just a reminder that there is another option for reading at home. Your child should be reading a 'real' book to practice reading for 10 minutes (at least) every day.
Your child can read more books on the site called Razkids.
Go to
TEACHER USERNAME IS : lmaze0   (that's a zero at the end)
Click on green button - Kids Login
Click on - child's nameClick on - Bunny rabbit pictureClick on - Go

For books at their level choose Level Up. For a variety of leveled books choose Reading Room. 

Kids can earn points for how many books they read. 
As well, take the time for your child to take the test at the end of the book. Allow your child to put in the answer they believe is the correct answer because I receive the information on how they are understanding the book they  read. 
Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.